Southwest Adaptation Forum 2018

Photo: A breakout session in the courtyard of the ENR2 Building at SWAF 2018 in Tucson. In October 2018, the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions (CCASS) co-convened the Southwest Adaptation Forum (SWAF) with the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (SW CASC). SWAF brought together over 100 adaptation and assessment researchers and practitioners from

Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN) Las Vegas Event

Photo credit: Kristen Averyt, 2020. Panelists discuss lessons learned in the Southwest at the SPAN Event in Las Vegas on February 7, 2020. The first in-person working group meeting of SPAN occurred on February 7, 2020 at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The event brought together 33 adaptation and assessment practitioners from across the

Virtual Southwest Adaptation Forum 2021


SWAF 2021 will bring together leaders, practitioners, and researchers from across the Southwest to explore efforts that are advancing climate change adaptation including hands-on activities, networking, and professional training.

Coffee Chat (June 14)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring event that will take place the second Monday of each month. The first one is on Monday, June 14 at 9 am PT/10 am MT.

Coffee Chat (July 19)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring event that will usually take place the second Monday of each month. However, this month, the chat will take place on Monday, July 19 at

Adaptation in the Southwest: An ASAP + SPAN Networking Social


Join us on Thursday, July 29, 2021 from 3-4:30 pm PT for a networking social for members of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals (ASAP) and the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). The event will be geared toward adaptation professionals working and/or living in the Southwest but anyone interested is welcome to join! Register here

Coffee Chat (September 13)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring event that will usually take place the second Monday of each month. The next coffee chat will take place on Monday, September 13 at 9

Coffee Chat (October 11)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring event that will take place the second Monday of each month. The next one is on Monday, October 11 at 9 am PT/10 am MT.

The Adaptation and Mitigation Nexus: Transportation Innovations


This event is part of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals' (ASAP's) 2022-23 Co-Creation Webinar Series. This year's Co-Creation Webinar Series will consist of five themed sessions featuring all-star ASAP members discussing the latest advancements in climate change adaptation and climate resilience practices! The webinar on May 18 will feature two case studies that highlight

Principles of Quality Climate Adaptation Training


This event is part of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals' (ASAP's) quarterly Principles of Quality Climate Adaptation Training. On May 24 ASAP will welcome Shameika Hanson (The Nature Conservancy) and Stephen Handler (Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science) as featured speakers in the quarterly Principles of Quality Climate Adaptation training. This training introduces participants to ASAP’s suite of professional guidance