Virtual Southwest Adaptation Forum 2021


SWAF 2021 will bring together leaders, practitioners, and researchers from across the Southwest to explore efforts that are advancing climate change adaptation including hands-on activities, networking, and professional training.

Coffee Chat (June 14)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring

Coffee Chat (July 19)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring

Coffee Chat (September 13)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring

Coffee Chat (October 11)


Grab a mug of coffee (or tea) and join us for regular coffee chats to get to know members of the Southwest Practitioners Adaptation Network (SPAN). This is a recurring

Principles of Quality Climate Adaptation Training


This event is part of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals' (ASAP's) quarterly Principles of Quality Climate Adaptation Training. On May 24 ASAP will welcome Shameika Hanson (The Nature Conservancy) and Stephen Handler (Northern